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We are from DNU JULY 12, GROUP 2
Here is our blog regarding the endocrine system
Mumps,Diphtheria, Whooping Cough
These are the topic of our assignment

These are Communicable Disease (CD)
CD is one that can transmit from one person to another
Its caused by an infectious agent.
That's transmitted from a source or reservoir
To a susceptible host.
Regarding our topic
Those diseases: mumps, diphtheria & whooping cough
That we are going to talk about
They are caused by bacterium and viruses.

So, have a look to our blog and enjoy :)(:

Communicable Diseases by DNU JULY'12 Group2

Welcome to our blog.
There's alot of nostalgia here so bring along
your memory box as we will take you for a ride.
Click on the 9 puzzle pictures at the left
to navigate around our blog.

This blog is created by 5 girls & 1 guy
We don't like instruction like tabs
to profile, entries and tagboard.
You shall click on all of them to
explore our little world of defiance.

Our subject tutor : Miss Khor Bee Hua
Group members include:
Anniecia little leader,
followed by
click on the red little button with 'X'.
cos' we shall say goodbye.